
Showing posts from March, 2018

How to Communicate Your IT Budget, Part III

Step Three – The Unveiling  With the work you accomplished in step one and two, it is time to begin focusing on communication. Specifically, how the budget is built, the primary drivers, and validation. Focus on the Core Elements I like to begin by going back to the key elements picture from Step 1: Take time to walk through each circle on the diagram above. Doing so allows you to establish a standard vocabulary with your audience while illustrating your primary budget drivers. Be sensitive to local conventions and vernacular; consider adjusting your own when necessary. Avoid unproductive discussion about terminology whenever possible, the goal is to arrive at a common and informed view. As a side note, one of the benefits of previewing the budget, as discussed in the Validation section of Step Two, is to identify and resolve many, if not all, these issues early in the process. Assembling the Pieces With the essential core elements driving the IT budget defined,...